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Summers in India are long and ofttimes excruciating. You oft feel extremely thirsty and the heat kills your appetite. However, there is i thing nigh summer that makes united states drool and not sweat – Mangoes! If you lot are in India during the summer, yous would know that it is an accented delight to try the unlike varieties of mangoes that are produced here. While all kinds of mangoes are packed and exported to almost all parts of the country, there are sure regions that are known for a specific type of mango. These are the all-time places to try out this amazing seasonal fruit of India which defines the give-and-take delicious. Too Read - Mango Health Benefits: 5 Means The King of Fruits Reaps Miracle During Summer

1. Maharashtra: Alphonso

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The famous Alphonso mango or Hapus is produced in Maharashtra'southward Ratnagiri, Raigad, and Konkan regions. Known for its sugariness flavor, information technology is i of the largest selling variety of mangoes in India.

2. Andhra Pradesh: Banganapalli


The pulpy, meaty, fiber-less Banganapalli gets its proper noun from the Banganapalle town in Andhra Pradesh where information technology is majorly grown. Information technology is one of the most pop mangoes in south Republic of india.

3. Uttar Pradesh: Dashehri

Also known as the Malihabadi mango, the Dasheri aam is a popular mango variety extremely famous in north India. Malihabad in Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of this blazon of mangoes.

iv. Gujarat: Kesar


The Gujurati kesar mango is used for making the extremely famous aamras. It is known for its sweet taste, juicy pulp and saffron fragrance. Aamras is a common effeminateness during summer in the western regions of India.

5. Karnataka: Totapuri


Although non very sweet in gustation, the Totapuri is an extremely favorite mango diversity in s India equally it is used in several pickles and salads. It can exist recognized quite hands due to its dark-green shade and hooked tip resembling a parrot's bill (hence the name!). It is majorly produced in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in south Bharat.

half-dozen. Bihar: Langra

Mayhap the most popular diversity of mangoes in north India, the langra literally translates to lame as information technology was first grown in an orchard endemic by a lame human being in Benares (now Varanasi). It is besides grown in other parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, even Punjab.

7. W Bengal: Himsagar and Kishan Bhog

Round in shape and sweetness in gustatory modality, the Kishan Bhog is sold in large numbers in West Bengal. It is well-nigh famous in West Bengal'southward Murshidabad district. Himsagar, on the other paw, is used in desserts and drinks due to its fiber-less body.

eight. Himachal Pradesh: Chaunsa

Known as 1 of the sweetest mangoes grown in N India, Chaunsas are famous for their sweet pulp and brilliant yellow skin. They are mainly grown in Pakistan but are besides produced in Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan and another north Indian states. They are bachelor during the months of July and August.

Images: Purshottam Lal Tandon on Creative Commons and Wikimedia Commons