
How Do I Get The Clover Template In My Excel

Reporting Made Piece of cake with Templates

Clover includes intelligent templates for designing professional-looking reports in minutes. Design wizards help you create drill-downs, standard reports and summaries. You lot tin also consign reports to Excel and visualize data in graphs and charts.

DB2, MySQL and MS SQL Report Templates

Anyone can produce professional-looking reports with Clover's DB2, MySQL and MS SQL templates. Choose from 1 of our many template families for the await and experience you lot prefer, or create your ain templates to integrate your company'south wait and feel into each report yous pattern.

20+ templates


Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)

Create reports presented in graphical format using the graph templates. Choose from 2 or 3 dimensional bar, pie or line graphs. You command the X and Y axis elements, graph headings, titles, bar values, colors and many more options. Charts and graphs can plot single or multiple series of information easily.

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Drill Downwardly Reports

The drill down template allows y'all to practise multi-level drills downs with standard or summary reports. Users tin click a summary line to reveal the underlying details. This provides an overview with pick to drill down to additional levels of detail. These templates use stylesheets (CSS) so pages are lightweight and easy to modify.

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drilldown reports

export to excel

Export to Excel

The Excel Spreadsheet template creates intelligent Excel spreadsheets based on the query you create with the SQL wizards. Users tin automatically display these in browsers or download and salvage them to their PCs.

Export to PDF

You can utilise the PDF template to output reports as .pdf files. PDF files are compact and compatible with many platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile devices.

PDF reports

standard reports

Standard Reports

Use the Standard Written report template to create detail or summary reports with headings, breaks, subtotals, prompt pages, and more.

Summary Reports

Nigh templates have an pick to create a summary with report headings, breaks, and subtotals.

summary reports

prompt screens

Prompt Screens for Runtime Input Values

All templates let you cull to include a prompt screen with selected values that a user tin provide at run-fourth dimension. These values tin change what data is extracted for the report by existence included in the SQL query to control tape selection.


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